Love yourself completely

Love yourself as you are. In our skin, in our body. Often. A lot. Loving yourself as you are, is it possible? 

So much attention and importance is given to our body image, to a part of us over which we have SO little control. Everywhere, in the media, in homes, comments about someone's appearance are omnipresent. A topic of discussion, to pass the time it would seem. And yet, these conversations and comments make us believe, wrongly, that our body, our bodily appearance defines us and must look like this or that. As if, in fact, we could shape ourselves to achieve the figure that would make us adequate. This is one of the biggest lies ever told and passed down from generation to generation. A lie that does not discriminate, that is told to everyone. This lie deceives us and confuses the minds of many, it must stop.

Loving yourself completely, is it really possible?! 

I want to tell you that: yes it is possible, yes! It comes with a fiery “I don’t care”! A “I am not here so that others find me beautiful, attractive and/or agree with the appearance choices (and non-choices) that I make”. The truth is, what you look like and how you present yourself in the world is no one’s business. No one but yours. So you absolutely must add to this “I don’t care” an immense love of yourself, all parts included!

Your body is the only body you have. He is the one who will accompany you throughout your life. All. At. Long. Of your. Life. It allows you to move around, to breathe, to move, to experience all these adventures and these moments which are in fact your life. He is strong, sensitive, he is tall, small, fat, frail, he is unique. He is who he is and he is only a part of the entire beautiful person that you are, constantly putting him under the magnifying glass and judging him harshly undermines your well-being.

Certain daily actions can help you feel better in your body. To live there more easily and peacefully.

Here are some suggestions to help you feel more comfortable in your body:

  • Follow accounts, on social networks, of people who have bodies similar to yours as well as people who have bodies very different from yours so that it is representative of society and to remember that there is a wide variety bodies and that they are all valid.
  • Unsubscribe from any account on social media that makes you feel uncomfortable with yourself. Whether it's physically, emotionally or psychologically uncomfortable, we unsubscribe from what doesn't do us any good, period.
  • Take the time to choose clothes in your size and in a style that you like: Take the time to explore different looks, to choose pieces that you really like, to add a touch of your personality to your outfits. Do not underestimate the power of wearing clothes that fit us well, that we love for our morale and our self-image! 
  • Make care routines: whether for the face, body or hair. Going to the hairdresser, massaging your legs every evening, applying facial treatments, putting on a nail polish that you love, every little or big treatment is proof of love for yourself. The impact is bigger than you think.
  • Sleep, eat, move, hydrate and repeat: Your body needs to rest, to be satisfied, to move and to be hydrated. How, when, frequency is personal to you. Just make sure you give him those basic necessities that he needs. 

Loving your body as it is is not an easy task in our current society. We are more than ever exposed to our own image with Teams or Zoom meetings, Facetime calls, selfies, our photos on social networks, we scrutinize our bodies and faces more than ever. Add to that photo editing, with which you can completely transform your appearance in just a few clicks. (sigh) All these filters tend to standardize faces and bodies and reproduce the same features and silhouettes, while richness lies in diversity. Our small and big differences make us unique. 

Let's be kind to ourselves. Let's be gentle and take care of ourselves like a little jewel that we cherish. Let us cherish ourselves. Let's celebrate everything our body allows us to do, let's love the strong for all that they are. Everything in full.



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