Gamme Après-sport

After-sport range

Wrap yourself in post-movement self-care Whether you move every day, once a week or twice a month, your body will love it if you create a post-move...

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Utilisation de la gamme Nordique

Use of the Nordique range

Like at the spa, but at home. The spa, this place that allows us to take a break from our daily lives for one (or several hihi) treatments. A time ...

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L'exfoliation des pieds

Feet exfoliation

Having calluses and calluses on your feet is completely normal. On average, a human takes 50 million steps in their lifetime. Your feet allow you ...

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Les bienfaits de l'huile de lavande

The benefits of lavender oil

Lavender symbolizes freshness, silence and calm. An essential product for a milder spring! The benefits  lavender oil diffused in the air helps ca...

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